
St Hilda’s has a long choral tradition which has supported the worship at the church. The glory years of full choir stalls may be gone but the enthusiasm of the current choir continues, and they support the singing at both morning and evening services. The Mass is sung each week, and the Psalms, Canticles and an Anthem are sung at Evensong.
The Organ:
In 1788 Donaldson of York built an organ for the west gallery, which was rebuilt by J W Walker in 1850.
The current organ is a fine instrument by T C Lewis, built in 1866. It was his first major build outside of London and includes a fine case designed by J F Bentley which measures 26ft high, 13ft wide and 18ft in breadth.
It was rebuilt and enlarged by five stops in 1904 by Nicholson & Lord. Apart from minor work after bomb damage during WWII there was little else maintenance done and by the 1990’s it was showing signs of its age!
During 2000 the organ was awarded a Historic Organ Certificate, and as thoughts turned to restoration the decision to replace or rebuild was discussed. The PCC remained committed to the musical heritage of the church and took a brave decision to restore.
The work was carried out by Harrison & Harrison during 2003/2004, and at a cost of over £100,000 the organ is fit again to lead the music for many years to come.
The organ has now been awarded an Historic Organ Certificate Grade1 - an organ of outstanding historic and musical importance. (2010)
Organ Specification:
16 Lieblich Gedact
8 Open Diapason
8 Rohr Flote
8 String Gamba *
8 Voix Celeste *
4 Octave
III Mixture
8 Horn
8 Oboe
4 Clarion *
16 Bourdon
8 Large Open Diapason *
8 Small Open Diapason
8 Flute Harmonique
4 Octave
4 Flute Harmonique
22/3 Octave Quint
2 Super Octave
IV Mixture
8 Trumpet
8 Lieblich Gedact
8 Salicional
8 Dulciana
4 Lieblich Gedact
4 Viol d'Amour
8 Clarionet
16 Open Diapason
16 Sub Bass
8 Octave
8 Flute
16 Trombone *
* = added 1904
Swell to Great
Choir to Great
Choir to Swell
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
Balanced Swell pedal (to right side of pedalboard)
4 composition pedals to Great
3 composition pedals to Swell
Gt-Ped on/off foot pedal